Saturday, December 3, 2011

Why I'm Not God

I've been thinking a lot about God lately. I mean, as a Christian I am taught to never cease praying, but I've been thinking about God even more than usual lately. After finding out some life-changing news for some friends of ours, it's gotten me thinking about a lot of different things and how my own life is going.

I have been thinking about why God does things. It's so frustrating sometimes to be the one on the other end of things and not have the big picture. Not that I'm frustrated with God; I know that He has a plan and does all things for our benefit. Sometimes I just have a hard time seeing the good that is coming out of it.

But then I sit down and watch my children laugh and play together before bedtime, or my amazing husband who does the dishes for me 10 minutes before he has to leave for work because he knows that it will be one less thing that I'll have to do that day. I notice these things a lot more now, and am thankful for the blessings that God has given me. I don't understand how bad things happen to people who are so much more "good" than I am, and wonder why God has blessed me so much, and yet taken from others. I don't feel like I am worthy of such blessings, but I'm thankful that God loves me enough to bless me anyway. I only hope that I can turn around and be a blessing to someone else in return.

I know I'll never understand any of it, and I'm ok with that, as long as I have faith that God really is looking out for me.