Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Last 3 Months...

Well, no one is surprised that I haven't posted anything in the last 3 months, are they? I thought not. Life has been so exciting and busy, that I just haven't spared the time to write it all down. I know I will regret that, seeing as how I can't remember the funny things that the kids say 1 day after, much less 3 months later...

Where to start? Here's what I remember from the first days after Elise was born... Gas. I remember her being so gassy, that we had many sleepless nights due to her being uncomfortable and crying. I spent many nights sleeping on our new couch while Elise slept upright in the baby swing. She really did not like having gas, and let us know about it! 

After she matured a bit and got used to the gas, she became such a happy baby! She reminds us of Aubrie in her features, but of Evan in her demeanor and expressions. She is a typical third baby and goes with the flow in most cases, although is still able to let us know if she has something to say. :) My Mom says that she reminds her of me when I was a baby. I hope that is true, and that she continues to have a happy outlook on life as she grows.

Evan is doing really well in kindergarten! His favorite subject is Art, although he really likes everything. I'm so happy with his school, and am constantly saying a prayer of thanks for the ability to let him grow up in such a good school environment. So far, he has made all "E's" on his report card, aside from one "S," and "green" days all but 2 of the semester, when he was put on "pink"; 1. for not putting up a math station the first time the teacher asked, and 2. talking when the teacher was talking (although, he was quick to point out that his name was erased for good behavior later...). I'm so proud of my Little Man, and the person that he is and also who he is becoming. 

Aubrie has been doing really well at daycare. Her teachers are always bragging on both her and Evan. I hope that they read this one day and know how proud I am of them every time I hear someone say that. She is growing so fast, and the toddler look is slowly fading away into a rambunctious "kid." One day Chris and I looked at her and knew that something had changed with her looks; she was no longer my little baby girl, but a bright young girl giving us a glimpse of her future self. 

The other major thing that happened was me going back to work on December 9th. It was so hard! I knew that it was going to be difficult, and I started to prepare myself about a month ahead of time. Every time I looked at Elise, I would hold back the tears, knowing that time was just ticking away. Finally, the day was here, and I had to drop her off and drive away. I made the mistake of going with Chris to drop her off, and cried the entire way to work! On top of that, I was stressed because she didn't (and still doesn't, really) like to take a bottle. But she did just fine, and has everyone wrapped around her exquisite little finger. :)

There is no way for me to sum up the rest of the 3 months, except maybe in pictures. I only hope that one day when I'm old, and pictures are the only thing reminding me of these moments, that they will be enough. Haha, so there are a lot of pictures, as I want to remember every moment.