Tuesday, April 28, 2015


At the beginning of the school year, I made a deal with Evan about getting Buzzles Sno-cones anytime he got "superstar" behavior at school. In the beginning, it was perfect, because it would happen maybe once a month. Then it got to be about once a week, and finally sometimes even 3 days in a row! I'm proud to announce that Evan has now gotten superstar enough times to fill and entire punch card from Buzzles, which also got him a free t-shirt!!! Now I just hope that I don't have Mommy-Guilt later on in life if he gets diabetes... 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Tower Reunion 2015

It took a lot for us to get up to the reunion this year, but it was worth it to see relatives that we hadn't seen since Evan and Aubrie were little.

Loose Tooth... Whaaa?????

Aubrie has a loose tooth!!!

As she was eating an apple the other day, she told me that her tooth was really hurting. When I checked it, it wiggled!! This completely freaked her out, and she is now scared to death of her tooth moving.

As I sit here thinking about what I need to sign her up for kindergarten (tomorrow, aagghh!), I can't help but think that she's too tiny for a loose tooth! Or to start kindergarten! Or to be as tall as she is!

I have to admit, she's growing up. And what a beautiful young lady she is turning out to be!