Thursday, June 11, 2015

Lost Tooth, and First Place

Whew, have we had some big news around here over the past few days! 

First of all, Aubrie last her first tooth!!! We were visiting Grammy over the past week, and she came up to me showing how much she could bend her tooth backwards. As she isn't afraid to let me wiggle it, I tried to see how loose it was and it just pulled right out in my fingers! The look on her face was priceless, as neither one of us was expecting for it to fall out. At first, she couldn't believe what was in my hand, and then she got so excited! She was very excited when I told her about the Tooth Fairy, too! What makes this even more amazing, is the fact that both she and Evan lost their first tooth while staying at Grammy's house!! That puts a lot of pressure on Lisey, I guess!! The Tooth Fairy was very generous, and left $3.50. That is a raise from Evan's $3, since Aubrie let me pull her tooth. :) While checking out Aubrie's empty tooth space, we noticed that both of her bottom front teeth are growing their adult teeth, already. So, I don't expect it to take too much longer for the other front tooth to fall out, as well. It looks like she'll be starting kindergarten with two new front teeth!

The other bit of news is that Chris' band placed first in the Region level of the Honor Band competition!!!! That means that his band will move on to the Area level, which happens on June 25th. They only take the top two bands from Area to go on to State, and Chris says that there will be a ton of competition at the next level. His goal is to place in the top 4 bands at Area. It is very exciting to see all of his hard work pay off, and I can't wait to see what happens at the end of the month!!!!!!