Saturday, June 16, 2012

Then & Now

It's interesting to me to sit back and think about where we were even a year ago. One year ago, we were dealing with the worries of Chris' job being cut, and him becoming the Head Band Director at Dueitt MS. One year ago, my daughter wasn't walking yet, and I was still nursing her. One year ago, Evan had just turned three and he was getting ready to take his first (only) airplane ride to Utah. And by around August of last year, Evan was completely potty trained.

This year, I've got a few short weeks before I go back to work. With me going back to work, we'll all have to make the transition to not having Kaytlynn and Delaney around every week for homeschool. Evan & Aubrie will be in daycare next year 5 days a week, and Evan will be in Pre-K (aagghh!). We are in the process of putting our home on the market, and we are trying to move into the home of our dreams (haven't found it yet, but still looking). Chris started the year off working by himself, at Christmas-time the school district hired Assistant Band Directors for all of the middle schools, and next year Chris will have enough students to hire a third director. 

Life is full of twists and turns, and I'm so glad that I don't know what's coming in our future. Sure, I think I'd like to know, but what would be the fun in that. :) Then I'd miss out on all that God has planned for me to learn along the way. Thank you, Lord, for the blessings you have given us, and let us always remember them, even (especially) in the midst of change and uncertainty. :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Evan Turns 4!!!

Aaaggghh! My baby boy is now 4, can you believe it?! I know I can't. 
This year we decided to throw Evan an Angry Birds party, which was so much fun! We had a "live" Angry Birds game for the kids to play, Angry Birds photo props, "Bye bye ham sandwiches," sour gummy worms, and Angry Birds poop to name a few things from the party. I tried to make "pulverized pigs" pudding for the kids, but it didn't quite set up with the almond milk that I used for Aubrie. Oh well, I tried.

Evan is really into Spiderman and Superman now. He got a really cool Spiderman car/airplane at his party, and he plays with it ALL the time! I love his imagination and the things he comes up with when he's playing! He's still into trains and cars and dinosaurs, but Spiderman is at the top right now.

Another thing that has really surprised me, but makes me soooo happy, is how close he and Aubrie have become over the last few months. Aubrie loves to climb all over Evan when they play, and they both love to pretend to be a baby and take care of the other. They now cry for the other whenever it's time to sleep. Aubrie just cries, "Evan wit me. Evan shleep wit me!!!" We actually tried to let Aubrie sleep in Evan's room the other night, in her pack'n'play. I had to go in there at 12:45am to take Aubrie back to her bed, though, because they were just playing so much that they wouldn't sleep! We'll try again soon; it is summertime, after-all!

Evan also LOVES riding his bike. We don't have any sidewalks in our neighborhood, so we only let him go out when Chris or I can push Aubrie in the stroller next to him on the street, but he loves it all the same. He's so cute, though, because he gets tired after like 10 minutes of riding! Now that I'm not watching the girls during the week and MDO is finished, I've been taking the kids out in the bike trailer, and they love it!!! I have to say, it's good for me, too!!

Lately when I look at Evan, I can see the outlines of him as a young man. He's definitely losing his "baby" quality, and turning into a "kid." His face is longer, and his features are losing their "baby roundness." I still can't believe that he'll be old enough for pre-k next year, but I have to say that he definitely looks the part. He has promised me, though, that he'll always let me hug him like I did when he was "little!" I've got his word, and I'm going to hold him to it! Hehe, even though he is starting to look older, then he'll do something so cute like say, "I hurt my fumb (thumb), Mommy. Can you kiss it?" I never get tired of that!

(pictures to come when I get them from Nick & Alia's camera; ours is kaput)