Saturday, June 16, 2012

Then & Now

It's interesting to me to sit back and think about where we were even a year ago. One year ago, we were dealing with the worries of Chris' job being cut, and him becoming the Head Band Director at Dueitt MS. One year ago, my daughter wasn't walking yet, and I was still nursing her. One year ago, Evan had just turned three and he was getting ready to take his first (only) airplane ride to Utah. And by around August of last year, Evan was completely potty trained.

This year, I've got a few short weeks before I go back to work. With me going back to work, we'll all have to make the transition to not having Kaytlynn and Delaney around every week for homeschool. Evan & Aubrie will be in daycare next year 5 days a week, and Evan will be in Pre-K (aagghh!). We are in the process of putting our home on the market, and we are trying to move into the home of our dreams (haven't found it yet, but still looking). Chris started the year off working by himself, at Christmas-time the school district hired Assistant Band Directors for all of the middle schools, and next year Chris will have enough students to hire a third director. 

Life is full of twists and turns, and I'm so glad that I don't know what's coming in our future. Sure, I think I'd like to know, but what would be the fun in that. :) Then I'd miss out on all that God has planned for me to learn along the way. Thank you, Lord, for the blessings you have given us, and let us always remember them, even (especially) in the midst of change and uncertainty. :)

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