Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Waiting Game

As I sit here watching my stomach move like crazy, I wonder when the time will come to hold my baby girl. I'm not in any particular hurry, but I'm just wondering when the time will come to head to the hospital. I went to bed last night feeling certain that it would happen either in the middle of the night or sometime today, but nothing to report yet!

Yesterday was my first time to stay home from work, and I spent the day going to the grocery store, eating lunch with Evan, and picking him up from school in the car-rider line. It was so much fun to see him during school! He was so cute when he saw me walking down the hallway toward the cafeteria with a McDonald's happy meal; his face just started beaming!!! I hope it was because he saw me, and not the McDonald's. :)

I also got to meet the friend that he's been talking about for a few days, Noah. Noah sat with Evan at lunch and it was so cute to watch the two of them talking together. I also got to meet Noah's mom (she didn't give a name), who happens to teach at Earhardt. I also stayed to watch Evan during recess for the first few minutes. Well, if by the word stayed you understand that I watched from my van in the parking lot, trying not to look like a stalker! But I loved every minute of watching Evan. He and Noah would follow each other around, talk, play on the playground equipment, and even sit next to each other talking under a beautiful tree on this beautiful afternoon. I have to admit that I started to cry while watching him. There's just something about watching your child when they don't know that you can see them, and thinking about how big they are getting. Evan is such a wonderful young man, and I can't imagine my life without him. :)

I guess we'll just keep waiting for Elise to make her appearance. Until she gets here, I'm just going to enjoy the time I have with my family! Can't wait to meet our newest little girl!!!!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Elise's 39 Week Checkup

I had a checkup on Wednesday, and Elise is comfy where she is. I haven't changed a bit in 3 weeks! (still 3cm dilated and 75% effaced). I have to say, though, that I'm still enjoying being pregnant with her, so I'm glad that she's staying put a while longer. On an awesome note, I actually lost 4 pounds! I guess between being sick last week and walking a lot at work this week did the trick. Either that or my body just couldn't handle being over 200 pounds, so it fixed itself. :) I'm now up to 36 pounds gained.

Last night after work was probably the first time in a while that I actually felt tired and worn down from the pregnancy. Chris gave me a really great foot rub, which I don't think I could have walked without. I also woke up feeling more tired this morning. Tomorrow is my last day at work, and I was actually thinking of  going back to work on Monday since I have been feeling so good lately, but now I'm really glad that tomorrow is it! I'm ready for some down time before Elise gets here, and I'm looking forward to possibly being able to drop off or pick up Evan from school in the car-rider line. :)

We're all ready to see you, baby girl! I've loved carrying you, and we can't wait to see your beautiful face and hold you. We all love you very much!

Mom, Dad, Evan, and Aubrie