Thursday, October 17, 2013

Elise Carol Gonzales' Birth

Alright, get ready for a picture onslaught. I warned you. :)

They say that child number 3 needs to be flexible to fit into the family dynamics, and I have found that to be true! Elise is now almost 5 weeks old, and I'm just now getting around to writing about her birth. Between Evan starting kindergarten and Tae Kwon Do classes, and me adjusting to life with less sleep and 3 kids, we should all just be happy that this post is even happening. :)
 "Elise, when you read this one day, please do not assume that I love you any less than my other two children because I'm late in writing this! I'm trying my hardest, and I love you with all my heart!"

Elise's Birth

We all thought that Elise was going to be making her appearance early. I was 3 cm dilated and about 80% effaced for 3 weeks, and then at 4cm 2 days before she was born. However, Elise had other ideas. She was actually in the 5% of babies who are born on their actual due date! She made her appearance on Friday, September 13, 2013, at 8:35am, weighing 7 lbs 11 oz, and 19.5 inches long.

Here's how it all went down. Since we thought we'd be going to the hospital at any time, my Mom drove up on Wednesday, the 11th to go to my last appointment with me. At that appointment, Dr. Scott stripped my membranes, which we hoped would get things going by later that night. Mom and I went for walks, ate spicy food, and she tried to get me to take Castor Oil... Notice I said tried. :) Finally on Thursday evening, I didn't feel well, and we all made preparations in case we would be heading to the hospital in the middle of the night. I went to bed around 9pm, thinking that I'd be up very soon after. I do remember waking up to a few stronger contractions, but nothing that kept me awake. Finally at around 2:30, I woke up to a strong contraction which kept me awake. I remember thinking, "I'd better stay awake and time this to see if something is starting." Sure enough, 6 minutes later I had another strong contraction. Contractions continued on between 5 and 6 minutes until I decided to wake Chris up to let him know it was time! I thought we'd stay home and get as far as possible before leaving for the hospital, but by 3:30 the contractions were pretty strong and Chris urged me out the door. I was thinking, "This is happening so fast! I've only been in heavy labor for an hour." I'm so glad that Chris pushed me out the door, because I was in significant pain by the time we left the house. We made it to the hospital in about 20 minutes, thanks to being on the road at 3 in the morning. :)

When we got to the hospital, I was at 6 cm (that's 2 cm in the hour and a half it took to get there), and we were ushered into a room where I anxiously awaited my epidural. :) It seemed to take forever this time! I guess I was spoiled from Aubrie's birth and how fast they worked to get me the medicine. This time there was paperwork, and calling the doctor, etc. At one point they told me that it'd be another 20 minutes before the doctor got there, and I remember trying to figure out how many contractions I'd have to live through at 2 minutes apart before he got there. It seemed like forever! 

Chris was such a huge help during this labor, since it was pretty intense right from the beginning. When we got to the hospital and they were checking me, Chris held my hand for each and every contraction. I couldn't have done it without that. At one point, Chris looked at me and said he was going to leave and get some coffee... I'm sure the look I gave him was one of pure unbelief. He immediately changed his mind and held my hand for the next contraction! Haha, apparently he also went to the restroom a few times during the labor (and I never knew!), because at one point I was holding what I thought was Chris' hand, only to finish a contraction and look up to see Mama D standing there!

One of the reasons this labor felt so much more painful than what I remember, is because the back pain was much more intense. Also, Elise would push against my stomach during the contractions, and that was soooooo painful!!! I was ready for those drugs!!!!!

In the end, it was all worth it, though. After the medication, I could still feel the contractions and some discomfort, but I was able to rest and talk with the family who had come to the hospital. Mama D, Grammy, and Uncle Bobby and Aunt Allison were there to keep us company before Elise's arrival. 

Finally around 8:15 it was time to start pushing! After 3 contractions, Elise was here!!! Just like her older brother, she didn't really cry after she was born. She was alert and just looking around! They placed her on my stomach, and I remember thinking that she wasn't very "cheesy." :)

My recovery wasn't too bad, either. Only 1small tear and 2 stitches. I was up and walking around later in the day, and was so thankful that it was all over! Then came the fun part of getting to hold my new baby girl. :)
My Mom as wable to stay with the kids that day, and brought them up later to see their new sister. It was so cute to see them both with her and how much they instantly loved her! I remember thinking how big they both were next to Elise. Evan especially was so taken with Elise, and wanted to hold her right away. Such a difference from Aubrie's birth, when he was so little and only wanted to play with the "buttons!" on things. :)

Now we are all excited to get used to this new life as a family of 5!!!!!!

1 comment:

M & M said...

Congratulations! Fun to see the pictures and finally hear about Elise;s arrival! I was scared reading it though since it reminded me so much of E's birth (even same hospital) and I progressed so quickly (they kept me checking in downstairs--although preregistered and in triage too long) that I couldnt have epidural by time I got to room; I was ready to push!