Friday, March 14, 2014

Elise is 6 Months Old!!

Ok, people. Half a year. Half a year has gone by since our baby girl joined our family! I know it sounds cliche, but our family truly wasn't complete until Elise came along. :)

Elise is such a fun baby! She definitely has her own personality, although she does remind us of a good mix of both Evan and Aubrie as babies. She has more of Evan's personality, but looks like Aubrie's baby twin! 

We took both Elise and Aubrie in for their checkups this past Wednesday, and both are doing well! We didn't get to see our normal pediatrician because it was Spring Break and the office was really busy. However, Dr. McDonald thought everything looked great with both kids. We are supposed to take Elise to see a Pedi-Optimitrist, because the doctor noticed that her left eye might be somewhat "lazy." She said that it could also just be the shape of her eyes, but we are going to have it checked out, just in case. 

Also, even though we think of Elise as our chunkiest baby, the doctor said that her weight had dipped a bit on her chart and that she needed to eat more. That probably has something to do with the fact that Elise still isn't really fond of the bottle while at daycare. It's been a while since I've picked her up without her having eaten all day, but she's doing well to finish all 6 ounces at each feeding. I'm sure she should be eating more in each bottle, but at least she's not starving. :) I must have really good milk this time around, too, because she definitely has some cute baby rolls! Tonight was her first time to have some rice cereal before bedtime, though, and she seemed to like it! Maybe it will help her stay asleep a bit longer before I go in to feed her at night!

She still likes to hold my finger or hand when I nurse her.

She still smiles at everyone, especially her Daddy anytime he enters the room. She also loves her brother and sister and smiles at them every time she sees them!

I do believe that she is even more squirmy than Aubrie when she was a baby, and that's saying something! It's only when she's tired, but she'll arch her back so far that her head is upside down! She'll also rub her eyes, and push her legs out and pump her tummy up and down when she's tired. It gets so hard to hold her sometimes that we have to just put her in the crib and walk away. She will sleep better when things are comfy, though. The girl likes to be comfortable, that's for sure! If we ever put her to sleep on the twin bed in her room, or on our bed, she's almost guaranteed to sleep longer than when she's in her crib! 

No teeth, yet, but she puts everything into her mouth, and chews on her fingers all of the time. 

She loves to bounce, although she likes to be in the exer-saucer more than the doorway bouncer. She will, however, always bounce in anyone's lap when they are holding her.

She's not sleeping through the night, but that's partly my fault, as I tend to feed her more often than I should. That is psychological, as I'm afraid of running low on milk since I'm working and pumping again.  It's also really hard to listen to her cry! She goes from cry-talking to this pitiful sounding cry! I can't describe it, except to say that is sounds like she just can't cry anymore and her little voice cracks. Very sad and hard to hear. :( I've got to be better, though, for all of our sakes. She'll thank me one day, when she's able to sleep through the night and fall back asleep on her own. :)

She's rolling over like she's done it since birth. One day I set her down on her back on the playmat, answered the door, went back to pick her up, and she was on her tummy! Since then we can hardly keep her on her back before she rolls over!

She is 14 lbs 14 ounces, and 25 inches long.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Evan's First Sleepover

We are on Spring Break right now, and I am loving it! Life gets so hectic on a day to day basis, especially since I've gone back to work. It's such a nice change, being able to get the housework finished, but still enjoy time with the family; it's wonderful! It makes me ready for summer vacation that much more! It also makes me yearn to stay home with the kids, again, that much more. Although, my kids will keep on growing from now until then, so I'll do my best to enjoy every single minute, even the quick minutes that pass each day.

Back to the topic mentioned. Evan is sleeping over at Aiden's house tonight! Nick and Alia have purchased a great playset for their backyard, and while we were there helping them put it together tonight, Evan asked to stay the night. I thought he was joking at first, but then he just kept asking! Alia said that it was alright, so he is there tonight! It's weird not having him here with us tonight...

I'm excited to hear how it went tomorrow morning when we pick him up. I'm reminded of how thankful I am that we live closer to them, now. It's the little things that remind me of how blessed I am.