Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Evan's First Sleepover

We are on Spring Break right now, and I am loving it! Life gets so hectic on a day to day basis, especially since I've gone back to work. It's such a nice change, being able to get the housework finished, but still enjoy time with the family; it's wonderful! It makes me ready for summer vacation that much more! It also makes me yearn to stay home with the kids, again, that much more. Although, my kids will keep on growing from now until then, so I'll do my best to enjoy every single minute, even the quick minutes that pass each day.

Back to the topic mentioned. Evan is sleeping over at Aiden's house tonight! Nick and Alia have purchased a great playset for their backyard, and while we were there helping them put it together tonight, Evan asked to stay the night. I thought he was joking at first, but then he just kept asking! Alia said that it was alright, so he is there tonight! It's weird not having him here with us tonight...

I'm excited to hear how it went tomorrow morning when we pick him up. I'm reminded of how thankful I am that we live closer to them, now. It's the little things that remind me of how blessed I am.

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