Friday, June 20, 2014

Elise, 9 Months

As of today, our wonderful Elise is 10 months and 4 days old, not 9 months as the title implies. However, I started this post a month ago and am just now getting around to updating everything; that's how life goes these days!

Elise is so full of life! My Mom says that Elise reminds her of me because she is just smiling all of the time. Even if she cries for some reason, it's usually only to let us know that she's tired or hungry. Once someone goes in to get her in the mornings and she hugs us, she greets us with a huge smile!

Elise absolutely loves her brother and sister, and they love her! No matter what the older two are doing, they flock to Elise when she comes into the room. They both take such good care of her; Aubrie loves to try and keep her happy when she cries, and Evan is constantly wanting to carry and hold her. Elise is a bit rough with them, and we are working on her being more gently. The older two think it is funny when she pulls their hair, though! It's a work in progress. :)

Something else that Elise loves is animals! Anytime there are animals nearby, she is one happy girl! She is in love with Charlie and Patty, my Mom's two miniature dachshunds. She starts making these cute huffing noises anytime she sees them, as if she's communicating with them! It doesn't have to be a dog, though; any animal can make her smile!

A few of her traits this month are that she is eating like crazy! Anytime she sees food, she basically crawls over whatever is in her way to get there. She's still nursing, and I'm doing everything I can to build up my milk for her after working. 

She still points to everything with just one finger, and then tries to pick it up and put it in her mouth. She's not really talking, but she does try to say "Da-da!" It sounds more like "Ga-ga," but it's still super cute! I thought for sure that one of my children would say Mama first, but no luck. Oh well! Next one, right Chris?!

She may be my happiest baby, but she is definitely my most stubborn and independent child, as well. If there is something that she wants, she doesn't easily forget about it! I know that quality will serve her well one day.

Lisey, we love you more than life itself! Our family is complete because of you. It is hard to believe that in just two short months you will already be one year old; time is flying by so quickly! Every stage is so much fun with you. Thank you for keeping us on our toes, but bringing us so much joy at the same time. We love you, and can't wait to keep learning your personality as you grow into a beautiful little girl!

Mom, Dad, Evan and Aubrie

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