Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Elise's 11th Month

Elise's new tricks this month:

putting the phone to her ear, although backwards and upside-down :)
purring like a cat when she's happy
playing peek-a-boo
shaking her head back and forth, like saying no, except she really wants nose kisses
she can say "muah" if you ask her for a kiss, but doesn't put her hand to her mouth
recognizing Chris in some family pictures by the front door (Aubrie used to be fascinated with the same pictures when she was little)

She's still not talking much. She doesn't really say any words, although she had kind of started saying "Gaga" for Dada a few weeks ago. It hasn't gone any further than that since then. I know that she can hear us, though, because she LOVES to copy any sounds that we make! (Sound familiar, Aunt Cherry?!).

She's still not crawling on her hands and knees, although she can get up on her knees and move a bit when she wants to. She's still faster just pulling herself along (although, it's more like gliding!), so that works for her and she's happy!

Both teeth on top have finally broken through, halelujah! She's also getting the next two teeth on top, and I can't keep my fingers in her mouth long enough to check the bottom. Teething tablets seem to be working for now, though, so she's doing well.

Her hair is growing longer, and it makes the cutest "curl" in the front if we don't pull it back in a pigtail! I can't wait until Halloween... I'm thinking her hair would make an awesome mohawk. :)

1 comment:

M & M said...

Sweet pictures! Funny question. Where did you get the headband? I have been looking for one like that?