Monday, September 19, 2011

Random, because I'm behind...

This is going to be a random post about whatever I think of because I've been so bad at blogging our lives lately!

1. I finished nursing Aubrie about two weeks ago. I nursed her a lot longer than I was able to with Evan, and I know that is because I was staying home with her, while I was working while Evan was nursing. It was so much easier this time around. In fact, it was so easy, that I had the opposite problem with Aubrie; she didn't want to stop! Around 18 months old, I started dropping one feeding a week. So we went from 3 to 2, then the next week, 2 to 1, and then I went from 1 to none. Although, I have to admit that I was having a hard time stopping, too, so we spent 2 weeks with her feeding just once before bedtime. Evan was 11.5 months old, but I was pregnant again by the time he was 13 months old, so I didn't worry too much about it. It was harder this time because we're not sure when we're going to have another baby. But, I'm going to enjoy having myself to myself for a while before going through it all over again.

2. Evan has been in big boy underwear for about a month, too! All of a sudden, he just started telling us when he had to go every time. He still sleeps in pull-ups at night, but he'll usually tell us in the morning that he needs to go, even if he's still wearing the pull-up. He's actually only had a few accidents while in the underwear, too. Once on the first day of MDO a few weeks ago, but I'm sure that was because he was so caught up in seeing new people, playing with toys, etc, that he didn't think about going. I'm so proud of him! It's so cute to see him running around like a big boy in his Thomas the Train or Cars underwear!

3. I've become a Thirty-One Gifts consultant! I was really thinking about it last Spring, but they were in a hiring freeze until August. It was great timing, because it gave me time to think about ways to make extra money, and when the time came it was still a great idea, so I did it! I'm really struggling with what the future may bring, financially. Not to the point where I'm worried because I know that God will provide a way for us. But I'd like to stay home with the kiddos as long as possible, and if we don't start making a little more money, then I'm going to have to go back to work next year. I think I'd be able to find a half-time elementary music position in Klein, but it's still more time away from the kids with a less flexible schedule. I'm really hoping that Thirty-One works for our family, because the changes in the school schedules has really changed how much I'm receiving for doing private lessons. I know that God has a purpose for everything, and I will just trust that He has led me Thirty-One so that I can give it my all and use it to help my family! (Plus, it's really cute stuff that I get a discount on, now!).

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