Friday, October 14, 2011

Aubrie's 20th Month

Ok, so I'm just now getting over the fact that my baby is 1.5 years old... and now it's already two months past that... In just four short months she'll already be two. Does that sound crazy to anyone else? Guess I should jump on planning a birthday party. Last year I waited until after Christmas to do it, and I got too busy and felt rushed. I can't believe it's time again already!
My Aubrie is such a wonderful and sweet baby girl! She definitely has her moments of drama, but it makes her so fun to be around! She loves to snuggle, too. She hasn't been taking naps at MDO lately, so on the way to the front door yesterday, she just whips her legs around and makes me carry her like a baby, and she was totally happy! Of course, I loved every minute of it! The other day, she saw me sitting in the rocking chair in her room, and she came up and said, "Eat! Eat!" But she was holding a sock, so I thought she meant "feet." "No, eat!," she said. She crawled up in my lap, and just snuggled down into my arm. It was a sweet moment, because she sat still long enough for me to just hold her again. Then we went and ate some cheerios; yummy!
She loves her brother! Every time she wakes up, and when I pick her up from MDO, the first word out of her mouth is, "Evan." And if I tell her that he is still asleep, she says, "No Evan leep." She loves to yell at Evan to wake up if he falls asleep in the car, "Evan, akeup!" She just wants to play with him all the time. That is, until he puts her in a head-lock (what he calls a hug...).
She is really talking a lot lately! It's so neat to watch her start to string her words together! When we get to her class at MDO she'll say, "Fun. Fens (friends)." I love that she is starting to express herself with words. She still signs a lot of things, though; I guess from habit. She'll still sign "please" and "more" almost all of the time, while she says the words, too.
I am still watching Kaytlynn & Delaney two days a week, and both of my kids are in love with those girls! It is so fun to watch them all play together. And these are good girls, too, so I'm happy that my kids will have life-long friends with good people. One of Aubrie's favorite things to say to Delaney is, "No, Naney." She calls both girls "Naney," even though we're working on her saying Kaytlynn's name, too.

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