Thursday, November 10, 2011


I just got home, and am feeling so encouraged. I hope that one day, my children will read this and understand how important it is to surround themselves with the right people.

Tonight, I was finally able to go to a bible study that the girls in my Sunday School class are doing. I made it to the first one several weeks ago, but just hadn't been able to make it since. The devil really tried to keep me from going tonight, too. He knows that I have a soft spot for my kids, and Evan started crying before I left, saying that he didn't want me to go. He even blew kisses to me, crying, and saying to catch the kiss so that I could save it in the van for later. Melt. My. Heart. But, I made it, and I'm so glad that I did.

The bible study was great, and I learned about having people around me that influence me in the direction that God wants me to go, and to also be that kind of influence-er for other people. On those lines, I feel so honored to have been surrounded by the girls at tonight's study. It was so great to hear their prayer requests and praises, and to be encouraged by their struggles and also their wisdom.

I went to the study feeling like I was headed in a million different directions. I left feeling a peace and calmness, and very encouraged. I even heard the song "Hallelujah" tonight on the way home, and saw a rainbow on a tv show right after getting home.

~Thank you, Lord, for showing me that I was on the wrong path, and that I need to focus on You constantly to feel this peace. Thank you for the wonderful women that you have surrounded me with, and who will continue to encourage me as long as I am willing to listen and learn from them. And thank you for showing me "You" tonight, because I now know that I've been truly missing "You" for a very long time.~

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