Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Favorite Things The Kids Do

Here are some things that I think about during the day, but always forget to write down:

I love how Aubrie still kicks her right leg every time I carry her.

I love how Evan still hugs me tightly when he's feeling shy.

Aubrie has the cutest face when something surprises her, and then she'll say, "Oh, no!!!" She gets really into movies, and says "Oh, now!" all the time!

I love that Aubrie and Evan already know how to really relax. There's nothing cuter than seeing them all sprawled out on the couch, with a pillow and blanket, and just chillin'. (That'll probably come back to bite me one day...)

I love that my kids have such good friends in Kaytlynn and Delaney. I love watching them all play together and knowing that they'll have lifelong friends.

I love how Aubrie likes to walk on her tip-toes.

I love how Aubrie and Evan love to dance with me (Aubrie especially).

I love it when the kids put their arms around me, or when their little hands touch me. Evan likes to place his hands on my arms when he sits in my lap, and Aubrie will take my face in her hands and pull me in for hugs and kisses when she's going to sleep. It's my favorite.

I love how Aubrie loves to sing! She'll sing along to almost any song that she hears, especially the "moon" song that is from her favorite movie, "Moonbeam Bear." She'll sing, "ah ah ah meoon, ah ah ah kye (sky), ah ah ah light, ah ah ah bight (bright)." So. Cute.

I love how Aubrie likes to sit like a frog.

I love how Evan wants to blow us kisses and then catch them to save for later.

I love how Aubrie likes to spin around until she's really dizzy, and then the look on her face when she stops!

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