Friday, February 17, 2012

What Did You Say?

We hear this phrase about 20 times a day from Evan. It's kind of a joke around our house that he responds with this to everything we say to him. Maybe I should have his ears checked....

Evan is now only a few months away from being 4, and he's keeping us on our toes! He's growing up into such a fun young man (boy)! He gets so excited about everything, that we are frequently asking him to keep his voice down and to hold still for a few seconds.

We have some really great conversations with him, too. The other day we were visiting with our friend, Lizette, and she told him that he had beautiful eyes. She said, "Where did you get those beautiful eyes?" He responded with, "Um, God." Then she said, "and how old are you now?" "Three," he responded. "And when will you be 4?" Evan says, "After three." Haha, well of course, right?!

Goodness, I could right all day about the funny things he tells us, but it would be our entire conversation from the day! Love that boy; what would my days be like without him?!!!

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