Friday, February 17, 2012

Aubrie turns 2!!!!

Wow! My baby (toddler) girl is now 2!!!! We had her party on Feb 4th instead of her real birthday, because our weekends are so busy in Feb. It was a great day, filled with lots of people in our house (which was full, but actually ok), good food (yum, chocolate fountain!), and a beautiful little 2 year old.
Aubrie LOVES any kind of art; painting, markers, crayons, pencils, etc. So, we had an art party! It was really easy to plan, since we could go with any color palette. The food was a variety of colors, and we had different colored table cloths and pompoms everywhere, along with some great art projects for the kiddos! I worked myself hard to get the garage cleaned out and ready for art projects in case it rained, and I'm glad that I did... because it did rain! Now I have a cleaned out garage, too, so it was all worth it!
We had pulled pork sandwiches for lunch, amazing cupcakes and truffles from my friend Marie (The Truffle Box) plus a ton of other goodies on our "Starving Artist's Food Table." We also used "U-Stencil-s", and had "Paint Chips." For art projects, we had a table with shaving cream, bubble painting, ziplock baggies with paint inside (for "clean" painting), melted crayon art, make your own handprints for the kids to take home, and race car art (which we didn't do because of the rain). Oh, and I don't know if you can see the walls in any of these pictures, but I found "paint splatter" wall decals on clearance at Office Depot, and it made the house look so fun!
(she was "upset" that they put a baby doll in the stroller... and not her :)

(I think that the adults had a great time at the party, too!)

Aubrie is talking like crazy, although it's in the stage where Chris and I are the only ones who can understand her most of the time. She's now trying out new words, so we can't even understand what she's trying to say sometimes. She still LOVES her drink and blankets, especially if she's unhappy about something, or sleepy. She's in a bit of a Mommy phase right now, and going through a bit of separation anxiety when I leave her somewhere. She is all smiles before bedtime, and is really easy to put to bed. She loves her brother, and it's so cute to watch them play together! Evan is really enjoying her more often, now that they can converse and play a little harder.
It was so much fun to have everyone over and visit while we celebrated Aubrie's birthday. Before we know it she'll be turning 3!
(pics of Aunt Cherry with the kids on the morning that she moved to Arizona!)

(Aubrie playing with her birthday present from us!)

(a lot of these ideas came from Pinterest)

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