Saturday, October 20, 2012

Back To School

On top of keeping our house clean and on the market, packing, moving, getting kids acclimated to daycare, etc, I have also gone back to teaching! I decided to go back to work to help us sell our home, and was not really excited about it in the beginning. However, the transition has been much easier than I anticipated, and I'm actually enjoying myself (on most days).

I am teaching at Ralph Eickenroht Elementary in Spring ISD. It is only about 15 minutes from our new house. It is the school that Cooper (my old school) split with the year that I left to stay home. So I have actually taught some of the the 3-5th graders before, which makes it a bit easier in some cases. 

It is still a challenge every morning to leave without saying goodbye to the kids (I have to leave before they even wake up because I need to be at school by 7am). It's also hard when I only get to see them for a few hours in the evenings; especially when I end the night by getting onto Evan for getting out of his room a quadrillion times. :) Those are the hard nights. But then I have afternoons like yesterday when Evan fell asleep in the van on the way home, and then wanted nothing other than to sit in my lap for 30 minutes. Or when he got my attention as I was walking Aubrie up the stairs to go to bed to say, "But I didn't give you a hug goodnight!" Those are moments that I will always love, and I hope happen more and more often as the kids grow up.

I am so thankful that this has all worked out well. I know that God has put me at this school, at this time, for a reason. I am determined to be a good influence on these school kids, as they don't all have great home lives. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, but glad to be making a difference. The way I look at it, is that I'm always going to miss being with my kids. This way, I can contribute to the new house, and give the kids a life that would have taken much longer to achieve if I'd stayed at home.

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