Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Kiddos

Our kiddos are something else! Evan is now 4 years and 5 months old, and Aubrie is 2 years and 8 months old. They have both grown up sooooo much over the summer!

Evan favorite things are now Spiderman and trains, mostly. But honestly, his favorite thing lately is to play with Aubrie and Aiden, no matter what they are playing. He really is growing into what I think of as a little boy, meaning very exaggerated expressions when he talks, and a loud "inside" voice while he talks to us. He also thinks he knows everything. I thought that was supposed to happen in the teenage years, not at 4???!!!! When I picked him up from daycare a few weeks ago, he was telling me all about a picture that he drew in class that day. While he was talking, I made a comment like, "Mmhmm, I know." He looked at me and said, "You don't KNOW, Mommy!" He's getting big WAY too fast...

My Aubrie is growing up way too fast, as well! She is now talking even more than before, but with her cute little way of saying things. For example, she still says "geurl" for "girl". She is Firestar for Halloween this year, and she says, "Iya Firatar, Mommy." (fi-rah-tar). We are definitely having more days where she is being a pill than sweet now, but I am thankful that I can still calm her down quickly and get her to do whatever it is that I'm asking, even if she's still upset. She has a favorite Bunny pillow and blanket nowadays, too. She also LOVES to play games on my new iPhone. There is a Princess game that she particularly loves, but then throws a fit every time something goes wrong with it. She's definitely Ms. Independent these days. I can't even help her wipe from the potty without her saying, "You-un go sit in yur chair." I am also the only person that she will not hold hands with anymore. Sigh.

It's a transition period in our home as we all settle into the idea that we will have a new home in a few weeks, as well as the kids deciding on how they are going to act during their new "independence." Chris and I are needing to come up with a more strict discipline system, as Evan has lied to us a few times, and Aubrie loves to say, "Leave me 'lone!" in the most shrieky voice possible. But we will pass through this phase and move into the next before I know it, so I'm going to cherish every moment of it - even the crazy moments. :)

(A pic of us. Just because.)

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