Saturday, May 17, 2014

Our Week Could Have Been Better...

Ok, when I say things have been crazy around here the past few weeks, I'm not exaggerating. Wow. 

Last week, Chris was offered a position at the church conducting the orchestra, now that Nick has taken a full-time job as a music minister at another church. As soon as he accepted the job and we decided that it was enough for me to stay home next year, everything went crazy.

Satan really tried attacking us. On Wednesday, I got a phone call from the daycare saying that Evan had hurt his arm and that it was really swollen. After a trip to the ER near our house and x-rays, sure enough it was broken. In the middle of all of that, Chris tells me that he hadn't been able to feel the left side of his tongue all day long... With all of the "excitement" of taking care of Evan, I didn't really think anything of it for the rest of that night.

Since I'd been up most of the night with Evan, I was sleeping in before taking him to the doctor when Chris asks me to make an appointment for him with the doctor. I groggily said, "Why?" "Well, I can't close my left eye..." I will always feel guilty for this, but I let him get in the car and drive away. Looking back, I know I was sleepy, but really? I mean, what if it was a stroke? Or a SECOND stroke! I should have known better.

I called my friend, who immediately recommended taking Chris to the ER. Since I had Evan to take to the doctor, she graciously picked up Chris at a nearby gas station (I'd asked him to pull over) and took him to the ER. After some tests, it turned out to "just be" Bell's Palsy. 

We also found out that my Uncle Gary had/has been in the hospital with more heart issues, and also that Nick and Alia had to call 911 for Carter the night before all of this happened (the same night that Evan broke his arm). Carter was choking on vitamins, and the were able to get him breathing.

Oh, it was Evan's 6th birthday on Thursday in the middle of all of this. :) He and I spent a great day together getting a cast put on his arm at the orthopedic doctor.

All in all, we have actually ended up happier than normal! Everyone is alive, and that is very exciting! Chris has slowed down and tried not to stress about as many things because of what happened to him, Carter is alright, my Uncle is alright for now, and Evan has a wonderful doctor taking care of his arm. We couldn't ask for more!... except maybe summer vacation... :)

 Evan ended up needing surgery, and he was a trooper throughout the whole ordeal! He had surgery on Tuesday, May 13th at Spring Central Hospital, and Dr. Jackson was his doctor.  He was in the surgery room for about an hour before they called me back to be with him. After not even crying when he broke his arm, he broke down and cried a bit when he saw me because he had an IV in his leg and it was bothering him. He then fell asleep on my arm. When he woke up, he just kept asking for some Apple Jacks that he had seen in the cafe before the surgery, and the nurse had saved them for him. The nurses also had fun with "Foxy," Evan's stuffed animal. Foxy and Evan matched by the end of the surgery; broken arm and everything!

Evan ended up going to school with me on Thursday of that week. Since he didn't have a hard cast yet, I didn't feel comfortable sending him to school just yet. He played with Kaytlynn in the library the entire day! I kept checking on him, and he was having a blast. We even stayed a bit longer at the school because there was a school dance that I stayed to help out with. He was asleep within 2 minutes of leaving the school that afternoon!

Evan's cast is glow-in-the-dark with a blue stripe; how cool is that?! He was so tough at Dr. Jackson's office. He didn't even mind seeing the pins in his arm from the surgery! We go back in 3 weeks to take this cast off and take a look at the pins, which I think they'll take out at that appointment. I'm not sure if he'll have another cast put on at that point, or if his arm will be healed. We shall see!

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