Thursday, October 23, 2014

Aubrie Turns 4 Years 8 Months, Elise's 13th Month

I'm going to squash these two posts into one, since I haven't been doing a great job of writing posts lately. In fact, I'm even late writing this post. Such is life, I guess.

My two girls are growing up, and are so beautiful! Aubrie will be 5 before I know it, and Elise is not only 1, but a month past already. I'm enjoying every minute of it, though!

Aubrie is just a fun as ever. She's enrolled in a 3 day pre-k program at our church, and she is having a great time and learning a lot. I hope that we're doing as much for her as we did for Evan in getting ready for kindergarten next year (which I can't believe will be happening!).

Her speech always cracks me up, as I think the way she says things is just so cute. Lately she has taken to saying an "st" sound whenever it should be a "th" sound. This results in words like "stink" for "think," and "sting" for "thing," etc. When she says something like "I stink...," I try not to make a big deal about it, but we turn it into something funny. I'll say, "You stink?? I thought you smelled pretty good!" Then she'll realize what she said and usually fix it, trying to make me think that she said it correctly the entire time. :)

Other than that, we're just enjoying every day with her!

Elise is still not walking, or even standing on her own, but we can tell she has the idea. She doesn't try it on her own, but will take a few steps if she inadvertently grabs our finger. She's also cruising along furniture a lot more often. I'm ecstatic that she's not walking, as that is just that much more that I have to chase her! Her other favorite thing to do lately is to crawl up the stairs. We had to put a gate across the bottom of the stairs, but we still have to watch it as the other two kiddos tend to leave it open a lot. I usually let her crawl upstairs on her way to a nap, though, and she loves it!

Speaking of naps, I'm so thankful that all 3 of our kids have been good at napping. They're not great if we're out and about, or if there is something going on, but I could usually just "throw" them into their crib and say goodnight. Elise is the same way. She has her puppy, glow baby, blankie, and she's good! She's also a great snuggler, and it's cute to watch her snuggle with her puppie and blankie.

She's still nursing, and I'm loving the extra bonding time that I have with her. Staying home with her is one of the best things I've ever done, as it enables me to do these type things that are so important to me. I'm very thankful that I have this opportunity, and am loving every minute of it.

Until next time. :)

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