Saturday, September 27, 2014

First Admirer

It has happened, albeit much sooner than we thought. Aubrie has an admirer! 

Funny story. While picking Aubrie up from Pre-K one day, this sweet boy walks up and asks her what her name is. She said, "Aubrie," and then his Grandmother asks to take their picture together. This little boy, Cade, is the son of some friends of ours from church, who also happens to be the son of Evan's school principal. When I messaged his Mom to tell her how sweet Cade was this morning, she wrote back saying that she finally knew who Aubrie was. Cade had been talking about her often, she said! Apparently, Cade mentioned to Stacy, his Mom, that he loved Aubrie as much as her! Stacy made me laugh as she said, "I'm not liking Aubrie too much right now!" (Joking!). He talks about her all the time, apparently! 

Since then, we've bumped into the Halls often, and Cade is just so cute with Aubrie! We saw him at the Bearkat Bash with Evan, and poor Cade saw Aubrie and then didn't know what to do! Stacy makes me laugh as she says, "It's bordering on stalking!" 

I asked Aubrie what she thought about Cade, and she said, "Good." She also said, "He plays with me outside. He is nice. He doesn't make me be the monster." When Evan, Aiden, and she get together to play, the boys always make Aubrie into the monster, which she hates. She really likes that Cade listens to her while they're playing. She's also very excited that they'll both be in kindergarten next year at Earhardt! Since Cade's Dad is the principal, he can make sure that they're in the same class next year so that the romance can continue!

I know that Chris was hoping for ugly daughters so that he wouldn't have to deal with this type of thing, but I think we missed the mark on that one! Maybe this is God's way of getting us ready for what is to come?! I have to say, though, that if a boy is going to like my daughter, at least he's a cute, sweet, church-going, red-headed boy!

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