Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fun Conversations

Evan: "Daddy, can you cock this gun?" (nerf gun)
Chris: "Where are you gonna shoot it?"
Evan: "At her." (pointing to Aubrie).
Chris: "We don't point guns at people, Evan."
Evan: "But she's a girl..."


Evan: Where is Aubrie's (breasts)?
After Chris and I did a double-take,
Chris: Where are her what? (very calmly)
Evan: Where's Aubrie's (breasts)?

Chris: Oh! You mean her DRESS?! We took it off so she wouldn't get dinner all over it...

It was so hard to keep a straight face during this!


This wasn't really a conversation, but it was soooo funny! We were having a pillow fight today, and Chris threw a pillow at Evan's head. Evan shook his head around like a bobble-head! I guess you had to see it, but it made me laugh so hard! And then right after that, we were still throwing pillows around, and all of a sudden Evan turns to me and asks, "So how was your day today, Mommy?" Right as he finished talking, another pillow smacked him in the head! It was so funny! I love family moments like this, and my little man makes me laugh so much!


We are now in the "why" stage with Evan. He asks why about everything! Here are some examples:

"What is in a fork?"
"What is in your leg?"
"How do we talk?"
"What's in a banana?"
"Do you have a weewee?" (had to laugh at that one).

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