Friday, June 10, 2011

Ear Piercing

My sweet baby girl got her ears pierced today! Chris and I took the kids to the Woodlands Mall to play in the play area, and on a whim we decided to take Aubrie to get her ears done. We've been wanting to do it for several months, but the opportunity just never worked out.

We stopped at both the Icing and Claire's, but they were both packed and just didn't seem right. Just when we had decided to wait, I noticed a Merle Norman right next to the play area. I was so excited, because that's where my Mom took me when I was 9 months old to get my ears pierced! There was only one person working, so it added a small challenge by not being able to have two guns pierce at the same time, but the saleslady was really good and sweet. We were the only customers in the store, and there was a small play area right outside the store where Evan could play to keep himself busy until the big moment.

Aubrie sat still for the first few minutes, but had decided she had had enough and started squirming in my lap. Chris was very helpful by holding Aubrie's held still while I held her in my lap while the actual piercing happened. The lady was super fast and it was over in no time. Our little baby girl cried for a few minutes (screamed is more like it!), but we expected that from our sweet drama queen. It was worth it, though, because she looks so beautiful!!! And she's doing great with her ears now; not messing with them at all, as if she doesn't remember it happening at all!



Evan wanted Brie in the car with him; it was so sweet! That is, until she started touching the steering wheel...

While playing, I said "boo" to her, and she picked up on it and kept saying, "boooooo" to everyone she met!

This little boy was so sweet. He took a liking to Aubrie and followed her around, hugging her.

This is when Evan told me, "No pictures!" I guess I was embarrassing him!

So, I had to go into stealth mode. That's why the pic is sideways...

On our way to the car, we stopped at the pet store in the mall. Aubrie LOVES puppies, and had a blast playing with them.

Evan couldn't care less about the puppies, and only wanted to look at all of the reptiles. He's all boy, that one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Was searching for a GF's blog and came across yours. Started reading and came across your post about having your baby dd's ears pierced, but having yours done at 9 mos. Sounds like you had kudos for your mom having them pierced as an infant.

I think you're a smart mommy for considering having your dd's ears pierced now. I had similar anguish when I was considering whether or not to pierce my dd's as an infant. Sounds like you were in the same quandry with wondering if I should go ahead and make the decision for my daughter, or just wait until the day she can ask me herself. What’s a mummy to do?

Like you, dh wanted them done too. Still uncertain, I asked our ped who encouraged me to go ahead and do them when mommy could care for
them. When I asked our ped for her opinion about having our dd's ears pierced. She reached in her pocket and took out a picture of her six
month little girl with gold balls in each ear, saying," ...this is what I think." She encouraged me to go ahead and said it was best as an infant when mommy could care for them. She has never had a baby with a pierced ear infection, but has had quite a few older girls ages 2-5 who said they wanted it done, but failed to care for them. She gave me some " Tips for moms having their dd's ears pierced since she had so many moms ask about having their infants and little girls ears pierced.

I know cerebrally, as mothers of girls of all ages, we know it celebrates their femaleness and femininity. After all, they are little girls, right? Growing up I remember many of my little girlfriends were not allowed to get their ears pierced. I could never understand it…but when their parents did finally let them, it always seemed they’d get infected because they were constantly touching them or trying to change out the earrings before they were supposed too.

Although you may be unsure whether or not to have her ears pierced now, your own experience having them early confirmed your own mommy intuition to have them done. Promise she'll thank you later for the "gift of pierced ears" as an infant like you did with your mom.

If any other moms would like any of our ped’s tips for piercing, then don’t hesitate to write me an e-mail. They include OTC meds to minimize any discomfort as well as how to find the most experienced person to pierce her ears.