Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Life Since Utah

It sure is great to be back home! Two days after we got back from Utah, the kids and I left to visit my Mom's house, and ended up staying until Wednesday, August 3rd. My sister's boyfriend, Dave, was in town, and it's always nice to visit with him when he's around. We basically did a bunch of nothing; but it was nice to just enjoy each other's company. My Mom bought a water table for the kids, and even though it was 100 degrees outside most days, the kids loved it.

Since we've been back in our own home, we're starting to get back into our routine. Aubrie really seemed to miss her bed, because the first morning back, she just laid in her bed and kept looking around and falling back to sleep. I think she slept until 9:30 that morning, on and off, just enjoying her room. It took Evan some more time to readjust to his room, though. He kept yelling for us if an airplane got too close to the house. I think he was scared that it was going to hit the house, or something. But he's been fine for the last few days, and I think he's adjusted back to the sounds.

There are some things that we definitely miss about Utah; one being the weather. It's just SO hot around here, and it makes it hard to do anything outside. Chris and I have plans to put in some shade in our backyard soon, so hopefully that will help a lot and we can be outside more often. This is going to sound strange, but we also miss the recycling. It feels so wrong to throw out some of our trash when we know that it could easily be recycled. It's just so much harder to do that around here. And, of course we miss the company of some great people! Evan hasn't mentioned Ansley as much as I thought he would, but I hear him whispering her name, or saying something about Bud & Joy's house, when he's playing to himself.

Now we have to get ready for another school year to start. Chris is already hard at work again, getting ready for his first year as a Head Band Director (alone). The girls (Kaytlynn & Delaney) will be coming in another week or so, and my kids will start Mother's Day Out again at the end of August. I will hopefully be able to start up my lessons again very close to the beginning of school, but we'll see how that goes (there have been some crazy scheduling going on with all of this education stuff happening this year). But we are happy to be home, and ready to start another fantastic year!

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