Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Evan's 39th Month (3 years, 3 months)

I just realized that I hadn't written any monthly updates for Evan in 4 months! Wow, how time flies!

The biggest change in Evan over the summer, is that he is now fully into the "why" stage of life. For example, this was a conversation he and I had yesterday in the car:

Evan: Why is that Daddy's truck?
Me: Because Daddy is driving it.
Evan: Why is he driving it?
Me: Because it's his truck, and we're following him in case his truck messes up (battery issues).
Evan: Why is he in front of us?
Me: Because he drove off first.
Evan: Why did he drive off first?
etc, etc, etc.

Chris and I feel so lucky to have the kids that we do, because even on their worst day, it's not really that bad at all. They are still cute and sweet. I have to admit that I feel like I'm pretty good at dealing with them when they are having "one of those days," but sometimes I need a break, too. Chris is amazing when he comes home from work and can tell that I'm on a short leash with all of the "why" questions. He just picks it up from there and lets me have a little space, which I definitely need! I don't want to fly off the handle with Evan just because I'm feeling tired of answering his legitimate questions. I know that he needs to ask them in order for his development to be on track, but sometimes it's hard to answer the same thing 15 times. (Love you, Chris, and Evan!).

We haven't been making him take a nap for the last few weeks, and I'm still not sure how I feel about that. In my heart, I know that he probably still needs a nap. But he actually does alright until we put him to sleep at around 7:30. I can tell by 5:00 or so that he missed his nap, and he consequently gets into more trouble because he's tired. He's also been waking us up early to take him to the potty (which is awesome!), but it makes for one tired kid. I think I'm going to try and put him down around 1:00 today and see how he does.

Speaking of potty training, he's doing really well! I think that I am the lazy one when it comes to his training, because I feel like he should already be in underwear (except at night). But he is doing really well most of the time in telling us that he needs to go. He's doing great when it comes to pooping, so that's nice not to have to change any of those kind of diapers anymore! We'll see how it goes, though.

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