Tuesday, April 24, 2012

To Sell or Not to Sell?

Those of you who know me, know that I've wanted to sell our home for the past 4 years. The time just hasn't been right, and we're getting tired of waiting for that time, because it seems like it will never happen. However, Chris and I have "made the decision" for me to go back to work and to sell our home. We know that this is not a smart financial move, but we're just ready to move for several reasons.

I know that it's the right time for me to go back to work. I'm not particularly happy about it; I mean, who would be happy about leaving their kids behind after being with them for almost every moment of the day for 3 years... But, I know that it's the best thing to do for my family. I hope that my kids will read this one day and know that I loved them so very much that I did what needed to be done for them to be happy. I don't think that Aubrie will do well with daycare, at least not at the beginning. It's going to be rough on all of us.

I am, however, now having second thoughts about selling our home this year. Our new possible plan is for me to go to work, and for us to pay down the mortgage every month until we can sell the home for a better price. This will keep us from having to get a loan somehow to cover any loss, so we're really looking into it. But you know us, we can't make a decision to save our life!

Basically, we are just in need of prayer right now. Prayer and guidance from above.

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