Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pneumonia and Hives

Things have been pretty crazy around here lately; with my lawn-mower fun, and deciding to sell the house. Add to the mix that Evan had pneumonia, and Aubrie had a virus that cause major hives, and you've got a crazy couple of weeks!

About a month or so ago, Evan had a small cough in the mornings and evenings. I was pretty sure that it was from allergies and post-nasal drip in the beginning. After about 2 weeks, it started to sound like it was coming from his chest, so I took him to see Dr. O'Neil. (I feel really bad, because I honestly really took him to get the rash on his legs checked out. I didn't think his cough was that bad.). His rash turned out to be excema (we think), and we got a steroidal cream to use on it. As she listened to his chest, though, she didn't make a face until she heard the bottom of his left lung, when she said, "I think there's a little bit of pneumonia in there!" I was totally blown away by this! He never even had a fever or anything, so I was shocked.

After 5 days of antibiotics, he was fine once again! I'm glad that I took him when I did so that it didn't get any worse!
Now on to Aubrie's hives. I had agreed to watch K and D last Tuesday, and we had just gotten back from the grocery store when I heard a message from Aubrie's MDO teacher saying that she'd had some kind of reaction to the bubbles in their class. When I got there, she had hives all over her body; on her face, ears, neck, stomach, back, and legs. Her poor little ears were so swollen, and her face was really puffy. I took her home and gave her benadryl, which seemed to help. Later that night, her fever was up to about 100, so we gave her tylenol, too. On Wednesday, she was the same, so I just kept giving her benadryl. She actually looked to be getting better, so I didn't call the doctor. Of course, after her nap (after doctor hours) she seemed to wake up and be the same or worse. So I called the after-hours nurse, who told me to call 911 after I answered some questions.

Chris and I quickly decided that I'd just take her to the Pediatric ER at St. Lukes instead of calling 911. Although, looking back on it, I might call next time. She ended up being fine, but it might have been worth the peace of mind than sitting and waiting in the ER waiting room to get checked in. Hopefully we won't have to decide again any time soon.

The ER doctor looked her over, and said that she seemed to just have a virus. I had been doing the right thing by giving benadryl and tylenol and was to continue. If some of the purple hives (which were really scratches, I think) were to spread all over, then I should take her back. The doc actually laughed when I mentioned that I was told to call 911. He said, "Thank you for using common sense." Let me tell you, it's hard to think using common sense when your baby girl might be very sick.

The very next morning she almost completely back to normal. She's been fine ever since, too! Between the two of us being in the ER over 1 week's time, we're hoping to stay clear of the place for a while!

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