Tuesday, February 4, 2014

First Lost Tooth

If it wasn't official before, it now is. My boy is growing up. Way. Too. Fast.

Evan came to us about 2 weeks ago saying that he couldn't eat dinner that night because his tooth sort of hurt. I had actually just been talking to a coworker that very day about when I thought he would have his first loose tooth. I should have knocked on wood, I guess. :)

Anyway, when he said that I thought I would just check it out, and what'dya know, but the bottom front right tooth is loose! He's actually really being good with it, not playing with it with his tongue and all. I'm guessing in about 2 weeks it will actually fall out. Brushing teeth is a nightmare, though! 

I can't believe my big boy is so big.
Love you, Evan.

excuse the boogers... :)

Update: Evan lost his tooth while we were away at TMEA, on Aubrie's 4th birthday! While Chris and I were waiting to eat dinner in San Antonio, I got a text from my Mom saying that he had lost the tooth while in the bath. My Mom said that she saw something fly across the bathtub, and then heard Evan say, "I lost my tooth! I lost my tooth!" After a few frantic minutes of searching for the tooth and hoping that it hadn't gone down the drain, they found it on the bath mat outside of the tub. We tried to talk Evan into writing a note to the tooth fairy asking her to wait to take the tooth until his parents were back in town, but he quickly said no to that idea. The Tooth Fairy brought him $3 for his tooth! As soon as we returned, he promptly informed us that he had 2 more loose teeth, as well! He's definitely growing too fast... Although, I have to admit that I can't wait to see him with all of those gaps!

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