Saturday, May 17, 2014

Elise is 8 Months Old!

So far this month, Elise has really started showing off her determined personality. If she sees something that she wants, she tries everything she can to reach it. This includes dirty diapers, hot food on the stovetop, small coins, tv remotes, and just about anything else that she's really not supposed to have. :) This is not helped by the fact that she started crawling this month! Well, I wouldn't call it crawling as much as "scooching" or "pulling." She's kind of experimenting with getting her hiney up in the air, though, so it's only a matter of time before she's off.

She still hasn't said any words, although Evan is convinced that she has said "Bubba." (It's really her just making baby talk, but who knows, right?). I'm working hard with her to say Mama first, though, since both of my other children said Dada first... 

Everyone at daycare loves Elise (and the other two), and were sad to hear that we only have a few weeks left. Since I am going to be staying home next year (that is a whole other exciting post!!!), we will not be taking any of the kids back next year. One of the girls offered to babysit for us this summer since she loves Elise so much; she keeps calling Elise her favorite in front of the other parents! Crazy, but cool. :)

She loves to push and pull on things, and puts everything in her mouth. She still loves the sight of her Daddy (but will cry if Mommy leaves the room!), and will reach for us whenever we are near if someone else is holding her. She still loves taking a bath, and we have to barely put any water in the tub or she'll splash it all out!

What else is she doing this month... We've had so much going on, that I'm sure I've wanted to blog a million other things that she has done, and I've forgotten.

1 comment:

M & M said...

adorable pictures! Not sure how you managed a good shot of all three of them! Nice to catch up a bit and looking forward to visiting more with you now that you will be home. Woohoo!