Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Love It When...

... babies talk in their cribs waiting for Mom or Dad to come and get them.

When Evan was little, I could leave him in his crib for sometimes 30 minutes while I finished getting dressed, making breakfast, etc. He would just talk and play. When he wanted out and had started learning how to say people's names, he'd go through the list of names, just waiting for someone to come get him.

Now that Aubrie has started saying names, she kind of does the same thing, and it's so cute! She doesn't go through all of the names like Evan did, but she definitely calls for Mommy, and when that doesn't work she switches to Daddy. She even said Bobby once! She's not as patient as Evan was, and starts crying after a few minutes if I don't go and get her.

It's so cute listening to her calling for us, but it shows me just how much she's growing up! Pretty soon she'll be big like Evan. So I'm going to soak up these precious little moments and enjoy every sound she makes while this small.

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