Sunday, July 24, 2011

SLC Day 13

We woke up this morning ready to head outside again. We ate a yummy breakfast of pancakes, and then loaded everyone up in the car, along with some friends and family of Alia. We went past Snowbird, up a mountain named Alta, to the Secret Lake trail. Actually, we never made it to the trail. While driving up the mountain, the road was closed about 2 miles ahead of the trail for snow (even though there was no snow on the road as we were walking later...), and then another mile up the trail to Secret Lake. So, everyone decided that we could walk up the rest of the way... We made it about 3/4 of the way before one of Alia's younger cousins fell and twisted his knee. Then he felt lightheaded because he hadn't been drinking water. Then some policemen drove by, and called the ambulance to check him out. As we were waiting for the paramedics, our kids got to play in some snow on the side of the road. We were able to pass out snacks and more water to recharge all of our batteries from carrying the kids in backpacks, etc. The kids really were toast by the time we got to this point, so we decided to turn around and head back to the car. It really was a good hike and workout, and I hope that the kids had fun, too. The scenery was beautiful as always, and well worth the burnt calories.

After naps, we are heading out to Alia's Aunt Rhoda's house for dinner (enchiladas, I think). So that will be fun!

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