Saturday, August 31, 2013

Elise's 37 & 38 Week Checkups

Last week, Chris and I were able to go in for our last ultrasound. Everything looked good! We confirmed (again) that she is still a girl, and also found out that she weighed about 6 pounds 14 ounces. That means that if she goes to her due date, she could potentially weigh up to 8.5ish pounds!

After the ultrasound we got to see Dr. Scott, where we found out that I am Strep B negative. We also found out that we were almost 3 cm dilated!!! I forgot to ask how effaced I was, though.

Over the next week, I didn't have quite as many contractions. Sure enough, when we went in for our checkup this past Wednesday, I hadn't moved from 3 cm. I was 75% effaced, though. So that means at least a few days longer to become 100% effaced before going into labor. The doctor did mention that things can sometimes stall out and hit a plateau (which we already knew from my other two pregnancies), but that things would most likely get started quickly the next time I started having regular contractions.

I actually hope that she'll stay in a bit longer, though. I'm really enjoying getting to feel her move. Well, except maybe at night when she pushes against my belly button as hard as she possibly can... That actually makes me feel nauseous sometimes! But other than that, I'm not feeling as big as I was with the other two at this time, probably because she's so low. It does mean that my pants don't fit quite the same and are often very uncomfortable. I'm not too swollen, though, even though I've gained 36 pounds (the most out of the three pregnancies). All in all, I can't really complain and want to enjoy it as long as possible. :) Plus, the longer she waits, the closer to Christmas vacation I get to go back to work... :)


On a side note, I am getting a little bit scared of the birth. We're getting so close, and I've been having contractions for so long now, that I think I've freaked myself out a bit. It's almost better when you don't know what's coming... I know that God will take care of me, though, and everything will be just fine. I just have to keep telling myself that and not think about it too much. :)

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