Thursday, August 29, 2013

Elise's Nursery

This was our first big project in the new house, and it was so much fun! Originally, we were not going to do anything to the nursery. But we'd been on a roll over the summer organizing and getting ready for her, that we thought, "why not?!"

Chris was such a good sport about the whole thing. He just went with my nesting instincts and worked on the room until it was perfect. It was our first time doing wallpaper, but it was really fun and I think it turned out really well! I LOVE beadboard, and this was an easy way to get the look of it without the cost or trouble of putting it in. We still need to add the chair rail along the top of the beadboard wallpaper, but one project at a time. :)

Aubrie was a really great helper, too. She loves to paint anyway, and this was right up her alley. She loved getting to help Daddy get Elise's room ready.

We just put up the crib, and it looks great! I love that we are keeping the twin size bed in the room. I can use it to change diapers, sleep in the middle of the night, put Aubrie down for a nap on the weekends, etc. I also love that we bought matching bed sets for the girls. It's going to be so much fun having two girls!!!!

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