Thursday, August 29, 2013

Last Bit of Summer Fun

This post encompasses several outings, as it all falls under stuff we did during the summer. We really did have a blast this summer. We enjoyed organizing the house and doing projects to get ready for Elise, as well as just having a bunch of fun! I love our summers together.

Hanging out in Elise's new room.

Evan hanging out with Daddy during one of his church basketball games. The team did pretty well! They made it to the end of the "tournament" but lost in I guess what you'd call the semi-finals. Chris had a blast playing, though. Evan enjoyed sitting with the team, and Aubrie enjoyed playing ponies with the other players' daughters.

Visiting Grammy's house was super fun, as always. We got to enjoy the outdoors, including playing the new croquet set that Grammy bought. Nick & Alia's family came to visit while Nick was in training for his new job, so we had a lot of fun playing with the cousins, too.

While at Grammy's house, Alia found a robin's egg in the grass. We took a picture of it next to another egg that Grammy had found last year. However, after we took the picture, we found the nest that it must have fallen from. Chris put it back in the nest hoping that the mama robin would still be able to take care of it.

We also went with the cousins to one of our favorite places, Bouncin' Bears. I can remember when Evan was little and was scared to death of these bouncy houses. He'd grab onto me and only go in if he could sit in my lap the whole time. I remember being pregnant with Aubrie at the time, so it made it hard to bounce with him. Now he runs around the entire place and loves to bounce on everything! It's great! Aubrie loves every minute of it, too. One of her favorite things is to do the big slides. In fact, most of the time she beat the boys to the top!

We had fun at Chick-Fil-A after we finished bouncing. We LOVE Chick-Fil-A!!!!!

We also had fun going to our neighborhood pool. We've never had a neighborhood pool before!!! And technically it's within walking/bike riding distance from our house. We're definitely going to take advantage of our pool more next summer!

We spent time in other people's pools, too. First was Mattie's Ariel birthday party. We also spent time in Nick & Alia's little pool. 

 Aubrie and I spent many days doing our nails over the summer. She LOVES having her nails done! I foresee many mani/pedi trips with my girls in the future...

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