Saturday, July 19, 2014

4th of July, 2014

Fourth of July this year was really fun! We started out the day with games, food, and a parade in our neighborhood. 

Before the parade, we had a bit of breakfast. Who doesn't want to eat breakfast dressed as a fairy?!

Look at this handsome man! I'm so lucky!

 Elise was just people-watching for most of the parade. She had such a serious face, which is so strange for her! She's usually smiling and waving hello at everyone!

We ran into Jackson from Evan's kindergarten class, and they got to play on the playground for a few minutes before the parade started. Evan enjoyed talking to Jackson about his summer.

 The other Gonzales Clan was able to join us, and the cousins had a blast together! We managed to fit them all in the wagon for the parade!

 The fire engines were there to spray everyone with the water hose, and it was cool! The kids enjoyed running around and getting soaking wet!

This is the guy who accepted Christ after hearing us play our instruments one day at church, and who now sings in the choir; SO COOL!

After the parade, we enjoyed a pool party at our friend Jon and Janine's home. The kids had a blast swimming, and the grownups enjoyed wonderful fellowship together; not to mention great food!

After the pool, we kept the party going by driving to see the fireworks near Market Street in the Woodlands. We were afraid that we'd left too late to get a good spot, but it turned out to be amazing! We had to park a bit further out, but not too bad. Then while walking to find a sitting spot, Chris saw some fireworks go off nearby, so we found a clear place and got setup. It turned out to be DIRECTLY behind the fireworks setup! The fireworks started going off, and all of the kids screamed with surprise! Brynley covered her ears, and I don't think the boys stopped jumping during the entire 20 minute show! Alia and I kept the babies a bit further back to save their ears, but it was a great show for all to see!

All in all, it was the best fourth of July ever!

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