Saturday, July 19, 2014

Evan's Kindergarten Field Day, April 2014

This post is out of order, but oh well. :)

Evan had his first Field Day back in April, and it was so much fun! Chris and I both took the day off of work to be with him, and we all had a blast! We love Evan's school, and am thankful every day for the chance to send him there. They put together a really great day for the kids!

Evan got to participate in all sorts of games and relays! Parachute games where you had to bounce everything off but the chicken, alphabet relays, running, stretching, balancing, hula-hooping, and water relays, just to name a few. Evan's favorite thing to do lasted all of 5 seconds, and was the hurdles. He had to jump over 2 small hurdles, then crawl through a large tunnel. I didn't even get a photo because he was finished with it so quickly! I thought it was funny that it was his favorite activity! Oh, that, and eating snocones. :)

Evan has made a lot a great friends this year, but his best friend is Noah. Noah is a cute little rambunctious boy, and the two of them have become really good friends. I was told my Evan's teacher this past year, that Noah's Mom said, "Noah, if Evan's not doing it, then you don't do it!" That made me happy to hear that Evan was being such a good influence on his friend. I'm excited to see how their friendship gows over time.

Mrs. Martinez was Evan's teacher this year, and she was fantastic! I'm sorry to say that she has had to find another school to teach at for next year because of student numbers, but she did a really great job with Evan this year! Evan loves school, and is reading REALLY well, and I think she did a great job in handling her class and teaching everyone this year. 

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