Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Elise's First Birthday!!!!

Our baby girl is 1 year old!!!! How crazy is that??!!!! We celebrated with friends and family at our house. We ate great food, played outside, got to visit with friends, and let the kids played together. All in all, it was a great celebration!!!

We love Elise for so many reasons; too many to list, and I'm sure I'll forget something! We love the way her smile can light up a room, how she says hello ("hi") to everything, and how she loves her brother and sister! She also loves anything that has to do with babies, and animals. In fact, her current words include Mama (Baba), Dada or Daddy, Hi, and Puppy. 

She has almost finished getting some teeth on top, which will bring her count to 8 once they are all in. 6 on top and 2 on bottom. With all of those teeth, she loves to eat! Since turning one, I've been introducing more and more food, and she has loved everything! She's a tank! We go in for her checkup this week, and I'm interested to see what percentile she is in. 

So far, my absolute favorite thing that she does is use her small little hand to pat my shoulder as she's falling asleep. She melts my heart with her sweet smile, hoarse-sounding voice, and fun personality. I can't imagine my life without her!

Party pictures:

After Elise's checkup this morning, she weighs 18 lbs, 9 oz, is 27.5

1 comment:

M & M said...

Happy Birthday, big girl! So sorry we missed it. Somehow, it just slipped my mind that it had come and gone! And beautiful cake and cookies, of course.
Love the second picture of she and Evan!