Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Chris got a call this morning from Aubrie's MDO teachers saying that she had had 2 "seizure-like" episodes. While she was pretending to sleep in the middle of the floor, one of her teachers walked over and picked her up. Her teacher noticed that Aubrie was kind of limp and heavy, and just hugged her really hard. She said it happened again about 30 minutes later while they were playing on the little train playset in front of their classroom. No jerking or eye-rolling, but they said it was just strange and out of character for her.

After Chris and I rushed over to the church, both with adrenaline pumping and hearts pounding, we got to hold her and she was as happy as could be! It was a relief to see her smiling face when we walked in the building, I must say. I made an appointment with our pediatrician's office, and we saw Dr. Parkerson (not our normal doctor) at 1:30PM today. The doctor said that it didn't sound like she had had a seizure because she had been responsive afterward. She said that most children her age also don't have the "silent" seizures; there is usually the jerking and eye-rolling to go along with it, and a period of unresponsiveness afterward. So, we aren't scheduled for any follow-up testing, as of yet. We are watching her to see if it happens again so that we can witness it for ourselves. Then we can make more decisions, if it happens again.

Please be praying that this is nothing, and that she doesn't have any more "episodes," whatever they may be.

1 comment:

Mike and Suzi :) said...

Yikes! Praying it doesn't happen again.