Thursday, July 4, 2013

Getting Ready for Elise

While getting ready for Elise's arrival, I found the baby bumbo seat that we used for the other two kiddos. Of course the kids had to try it out and see if they still fit!

We were also able to go and get a 4D ultrasound done with Elise yesterday! The kids were really good, and thought it was very cool to see her face on the tv screen. I'm so glad that it worked, as we weren't able to get the 4D done with Aubrie since she was in breech position at the time.

Elise was quite the mover during the ultrasound! She's a snuggler like Evan, and just kept moving further south as we kept "messing" with her. She was making faces the entire time; smiled several times, frowned when we the ultrasound tech tried to get a picture of her feet, and kept playing with her tongue. We also saw that she was lying right along my spine on the right side, which is why I've been having trouble on that side. I mean, you can physically see her without an ultrasound to know exactly where she is sitting.

Overall, I think she's got Evan's profile and features. Every now and then I would see her do something that reminded me of Aubrie, though. Now we just get to wonder what her coloring will be. Will she have lighter hair and blue eyes like Evan since she favors him, or will she have the darker hair and brown eyes like her sister? Who knows!!!! It will be fun to see when she gets here!

I feel like we have done a good job of getting ready for her arrival so far this summer. A few things left on our list are to get the carseats all settled (we know what we're going to buy for Chris' truck, we're just waiting a bit since we don't actually need them right now), putting up the beds and changing stations throughout the house, and making a ton of freezer-foods so that the transition will be eaiser when I'm home with her. Other than that, we're getting closer to meeting our little girl!

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