Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Summer Fun (2013)

So far this summer, we've just spend a lot of time getting ready for Evan to start kindergarten, and for the new baby to arrive. I feel like we're finally getting a handle on everything... except house work! I feel like I have to start out every day cleaning the house again before I can actually start the days agenda. But, I guess that's life when you have kids. :)

Aubrie just chillin', boots and all :)

Kiddos hanging out in the play room while I work on the nursery.

My attempt to get a head start on the kids' artwork before Evan starts kindergarten... It's still a work in progress..... I'm hoping to take pictures of everything and put it into a photo book, but we'll see how far I get with this one...

The nursery closet before I went through all of the baby clothes...

The kids have loved swimming this summer! I'm so proud of both of them. Now if I could only get Evan to practice swimming a little bit without his floaties on, I'd feel better with him around the water.

Aubrie just felt like laying down one day. :)

Story time at Grammy's library.

Popsicles at Grammy's house.

The snake guy came to the library, and our kiddos loved getting to see the snakes. Aubrie even volunteered to have the big snake put on her shoulders!!

We've had so much fun being together as a family this summer. I'm really enjoying the time we've had. I'm also looking forward to school starting back up again, mainly because I'll barely be there before the Elise gets here, and I'll have basically the entire fall semester to be home! That is exciting since Evan will be in kindergarten; I feel like I'll be able to adjust to him being in school a bit better this way. :) The kids are just getting big so fast, and I'm trying to soak up every second of it.

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