Thursday, July 4, 2013

Finally Getting to See Dinosaur Bones

Evan started asking to go to the Museum about 3 weeks before the end of school. He wanted desperately to see the dinosaur bones. With Chris and I so busy with end of the year school stuff, we decided to wait until we were finished with school and Chris was finished with his contract before going so that we could get the most out of our trip. We finally made it to the museum on June 14th, and it was so much fun that we bought the yearly family pass!!!

It was really cool getting to see their reactions to each of the sets of bones. The Museum really did a great job at setting everything up!! Evan is actually still talking about "the time we went to see the dinosaur bones." 

I just love this picture; it looks like she is running away from the dinosaur, when in reality, she is just running away from me. :)

After looking at the bones, we took the kids to see the Cockrell Butterfly Center. It was so neat!!! There were literally thousands of butterflies flying around from the moment we walked in. Poor Evan was terrified of the butterflies, though! I hope that he grows out of this fear of flying things as he gets older, just so that he can function and enjoy being outside more easily.

The butterflies really loved me! I think it was the shirt that I was wearing (a green shirt with flowers on it), because 4 different butterflies landed on me while we were inside! Either that, or they liked my pregnant belly. :)

This was definitely a fun summer trip that we will hopefully be making again soon!

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