Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I'm Not Ready for Kindergarten

Today I gave Evan his first "long hair" haircut. It was so nerveracking! I'd never done his hair this way, and it was much harder than I thought it was going to be. I'm happy to say that he sat still the entire time (which made it soooooo much easier!), and that it doesn't look too bad!

After his "nap" time today, I went upstairs to get him ready to go to the pool with Chris, and I asked him if he liked his haircut. He said that he'd forgotten what it looked like. When he got to the mirror, he made a shocked face for a second, then rather seriously said, "Is this good for kindergarten?" I was already struggling with how big the haircut made him look, and I almost lost it when he said this.

I thought that I could handle him going to kindergarten, but now I'm not sure! I almost started balling over a haircut! 

We also went shopping for some new clothes for Chris this morning, and ended up buying Evan his new backback for kindergarten, too. He was super excited to pick it out himself. I have to interject here how much Evan is like my father (Pops). Evan had to look at and check every single backpack before making a decision. Apparently it was a major choice for him! He ended up picking a spiderman backpack that came with an attachable spiderman lunch kit. He was wearing it around the store, and Chris and I just kept swapping glances at him; he looked so big!

I used to wonder why humans were so different than animals that had young in the wild. Some animals are on their own almost right from birth; why are humans so different?  I now know that it's because parents can only handle so much at a time, and the kids must grow up slowly for the parents' sake. Too much growth at one time can paralyze a parent's heart.

Maybe by the time he graduates from college I'll be handling this better... One day at a time. :)

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