Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Not Long Now...

I had a checkup with Dr. Scott today for our 35 week appointment (even though I'm 36 weeks in 2 days). I was feeling fine this morning, but started feeling a bit icky after lunch (around 1:00 pm). I had several braxton hicks contractions while sitting in the library talking to my friend Judy, and I just didn't feel very good from then on until I saw the doctor, and even now. Lately I've started feeling the contractions in my back and coming around instead of starting low in the front, so I know something is different.

I told the doctor how I  was feeling. She checked to see if I was dilated at all, and did my Strep B test at the same time. Turns out I'm 2 cm dilated already! This seems about right as I was a few cm dilated 3-4 weeks before delivery with each of the other two kiddos. Hey, I say we get as far dilated as possible with these braxton hicks before the real thing starts! Wouldn't that be great if I could get to like an 8 with only just a little discomfort?! God, are you listening, cause I think that is a fantastic plan. :)
We scheduled our last sonogram for next week, and I'm excited about being able to see how big she is and how everything is looking. 

The doctor still seems to think I'll deliver about a week early, unless things get going tonight (as I'm still having many more contractions than normal and not feeling totally myself again yet). I've changed into my pj's, and the entire family and I are laying in our bed watching tv. Dr. Scott didn't seem worried at all, and just told me to head to the hospital if contractions become regular and to do the same thing we'd do for a normal delivery if it starts before I see her again.

What if this is our last night as a family of 4?!! This is going to sound crazy, but it still doesn't seem real  that we're going to be a family of 5 in a matter of weeks... or hours...

1 comment:

M & M said...

excited to hear...
hope you keep us posted (as well as possible) via the blog!