Thursday, June 13, 2013

Elise's 27 week checkup

I will be 27 weeks pregnant tomorrow! I can't believe we're going to get to meet our 3rd baby in 13 weeks!!!!!! I went in for my doctor's appointment today, and everything is going well!

I had to take my glucose test today, which is not too bad, but not my favorite. I had 5 minutes to drink the sugary drink, which I thought was no big deal. I was halfway finished when I realized I only had 1 more minute to finish it! So I had to gulp it, and that wasn't really that great! I'll get the blood-work back in 3-4 days, so I'm hoping that I pass so I don't have to take the longer test. The nurse taking my blood was really nice, but was so busy talking to me that she wasn't as seemless as some of the other nurses I've had draw blood. I can't complain, though, it wasn't too bad.

I've been measuring about 5-7 days bigger the entire pregnancy, but I think I'm catching up to normal. Today I measured 27 weeks, which I will be tomorrow.

I also need to start going to the doctor every 2 weeks now! I can't believe that! That just makes it seem more real that she'll be here before I know it! I feel like I'm running out of time to get ready for her. Chris and I put several things off for summer-time since the end of the school year was so hectic. Now that Chris is on vacation (as of today!!!), we can put a big dent in our list. Some things on our list include: going through baby clothes, fixing the car seat situation (figure out which 3 seats will fit in the back of Chris' truck, where to put them in my van, etc), putting the nursery together, cleaning up/unpacking our master bedroom to make room for a pack n play, stocking up on diapers/getting all of the necessities in order for the nursery and around the house, etc... Wow, I'm a little overwhelmed just thinking about it! But I can't complain, I have the time now.

I talked to the doctor about some contractions that I've been having. I couldn't tell if they were happening because Elise was stretching out and causing them to start, or if I was just having braxton hicks already. Dr. Scott said that it was most likely just contractions, and not to worry. She said I could even have a few per hour and it would be ok, as long as they didn't happen more than 4 times and hour or get onto a regular schedule and have pain. She also said that since I don't have a history of early labor, that I shouldn't worry about it. I'm not worried, but I do have to say that it scares me a bit to feel them! They don't even hurt yet, but they're uncomfortable, and I know what's coming now!!!!!! 

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