Wednesday, April 20, 2011

All Better

Evan, Aubrie and I went back to the doctor today to do some follow-up tests after our visit yesterday. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Yesterday, I took Aubrie to the doctor to check her fever. She woke up with a fever of 99.5 yesterday morning, probably because she knew that I was taking her to the doctor! It had been much higher during the two days before that. But I went ahead and took her anyway.

They took a sample of blood to check her white-blood count, which was low. They also checked her urine just in case it was a UTI, which it wasn't. We were there for 4 hours, though, waiting for the little princess to pee in the bag! They did find some extra crystals in her urine, though, which is why we went back this morning.

Evan was so cute this morning, since I had to take both of them with me. I told him that I really needed him to be my little helper, and that if he started crying or not listening that it would be hard for Mommy. He said, "Ok, Mommy, I won't cry." And he didn't! Well, he started to cry a few times, but then when reminded, he stopped right away. He kept saying, "Mommy, can we PLEASE go home? I want to watch a movie and eat lunch on the couch." "Not 'till Aubrie pees in the bag." "Did she pee in the bag yet?" He really was my helper today.

Turns out there were no more crystals in her urine today, which was obviously good. They said that it could have meant she was predisposed to kidney stones if they had found some. So even though we waited for a total of 7 hours for her to pee in 2 bags over 2 days with nothing to show for it, I'm so thankful that it was nothing and that my little girl is on her way to feeling better!

(By the way, she weighed 19 lbs 4.6 ounces yesterday, and 19 lbs 11.5 ounces today).

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