Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pretty Good Imagination

(All said by Evan in his room, before falling asleep for his nap)
hhhhaaa hhhaaaa haaaaa!
But I don't believe iiiiiiiiiitttttttttttt
(grunt noise)
hey, where did we park our car?
in our van?
hello! my name's thomas.
(cry noise) What? Hey, I thought you were a jumping man?
alright, now I'm going. alright, I'm playing with my son Danny.
Alright. I'm going to ask Mommy, alright.
Mommy. Mine dude. Mine dude. Mind dude.
I'm going with Mommy.
(whispering, and out of bed).
I'm just one bear. I'm a bear. I'm a space ranger. I thought you were a lily? No, I'm a fireman. Birthday guests at 3:00. Who's saying that? Me! Who? Me! Birthday guests at 3:00, Mommyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
(making water noises) You waked me up with the water hose. That was me. This was me. The smoochie poo.
Hello? What happened, little baby? Come on, my friend. Get in. Well get in here. What? Yes! Don't do this, please. I'm a shooter man. Is someone asleep? Is someone asleep? Hey, it's a little bug. It's a little bug flying around. Oh, bug! Oh! Bug! That's dirty.
(Now he's squooshing all of his stuffed animals and blowing raspberries).
Wake up! The bug is right there.

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