Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Answered Prayer

First of all, thank you to everyone who has been praying for our family lately. It has meant so very much to know that we have so many people willing to pray for us when we really need it. It felt like every time we turned around, we were putting our prayer request on another list with friends or family gathered around to be a part of it.

Because of all of your prayers, and because of God's grace, Chris has heard some great news about where he will be teaching next year. (If you don't know the full story, click here to read a previous blog post on the situation). Chris found out today that he is going to be moved to another middle school band program in Spring as the Assistant Band Director. This is great news because he still gets to teach in his field, instead of, say, history... He will also be at one school full time instead of 2 half time positions, which is also a great praise. He also knows and gets along with the other director, which will make the transition a bit easier. All in all, this is definitely the best solution for the problem that was facing us. It's so nice not to worry anymore about what is going to happen!

Now for the sad news. They will not be replacing his position at TCMS for next year, and his co-worker will be there to run the program on his own (which is basically impossible to do). It's just so sad that education has come to this. As a friend (Robin) said on facebook, " The government found money to bail out Wall Street. They found money to bail out the car companies. Now, instead of cutting teachers and jeopardizing our children's future, they need to make the greatest find of all and save EDUCATION!!!!" I totally agree with her statement, and my heart goes out to those teachers who are new to the profession and now can't find a job. I'm not sure what the "higher-ups" think will happen because of these poor decisions, but they obviously haven't thought it all through. I wish that there were more that we could do, but sometimes I just feel helpless to change anything. I just keep thinking that that is the world we live in, though, and I'd better get used to it. Good thing I have an (the) all-powerful God on my side!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You make me very proud! It's really easy to look back and see God's blessings, but very difficult to trust Him for our future.
Love you Bunches,
Granma C