Sunday, April 17, 2011

Aubrie's 15th Month

* She loves to "walk" on her knees. She does this weird half crawl, half walk thing where she just scoots forward on her knees. She is standing up on her own more often now, though. So maybe any day now she'll start walking?! (4-17-11)

* She had another round of fever this month.

* She had a major growth spurt this month, as well as got two more teeth on the bottom. She now has 16 teeth!

* She now says please (ease), thank you (danku), bubble (buboo), Bobby D, Pops, Mommy, Daddy, Bubba (Evan), puppy, banana (nana), & dog (dock), and no. She can also kind of say Delaney (which sounds like "Aney). I can ask her any question, and she'll shake her head and say, "Noooohhh."

* She took her first steps! (5-9-11). She cried the first time she took steps because our reaction scared her. She cried for 5 minutes, poor girl! I was so proud of her, though, because she tried again several more times, and got better each time! We can't get her to do it again, though. But I think she'll pick up on it quickly when she finally puts her mind to it.

* She still kicks her right leg all the time.

* She loves to sleep with a blanket over her head, which drives me crazy! She has also started taking her blanket with her wherever she goes. If I don't grab it when I get her out of bed in the morning, she grabs it and pulls it out with her. It's amazing how that blanket calms her down.

* I love that her hair is long enough to put into pig-tails now! Although, the drama has already started with me "doing her hair." I have to time it just perfectly, and even then I'm not guaranteed to get it done the first time. She must know that it frustrates me when I can't play with her hair, because she'll take her hand and mess the top of her hair up on purpose and then look at me. But I still win! :)

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